by Ken | Apr 3, 2021 | Blog
I did the Be Free programme with FreedomWorks UK because I needed to enhance my knowledge on how to achieve things especially concerning work as it was impacted by the lock down. What I found out about myself from the programme is That when I am guided by...
by Ken | Mar 31, 2021 | Blog
For those who didn’t know, Ive been on a running challenge for the last 299 days! I’ve run the equivalent of 291 x 8Ks with 6K pulled back from an 8 day arrears I’ve accrued due to injuries and snow. The target was to run 365 8Ks in 365 days. And this was...
by Ken | Mar 30, 2021 | Blog
Freedom Works UK got funded in November 2020 by the National Lottery to provide a 4 month leadership programme to a group of people in Islington and London from disadvantaged backgrounds effected by Covid Pandemic to help create practical solutions and become leaders...
by Ken | May 1, 2020 | Blog
A few weeks ago, I had a chat with a friend about why I am putting so many posts about my running and photos of my cooking while 75% of my work is leadership coaching. There are parallels and each activity has the same issues and concerns associated with for it to be...
by Ken | Apr 20, 2020 | Blog
We hope you are keeping safe and well. During these unprecedented times, please see below details of two offers of support from us at Freedom Works, plus some useful resources, to help you look after your wellbeing during the coronavirus lockdown and to use the time...